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Name : Ulfah Choiriyah

NIM : 3325090132

Study Program : Chemistry

Group : 4th

Experiment date : Monday, October 19th 2009

Gathering date : Monday, October 26th 2009

Lecturer : Arif Rahman, M. Si.

Lecturer assistant : 1. Endang Retno L.

2. Enizar Rizki

3. Qomarudin






I. Purpose

1. 1. Determine the coefficient number of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) with Copper (II) Sulfate (CuSO4).

1. 2. Determine the mass of sediment produced.

1. 3. Know the relation between mole NaOH and CuSO4 and it coefficient.

1. 4. Use the concept of constrictor reaction.

1. 5. Know the chemistry denaturing perceived.

1. 6. Make a graphic of VT (Volume-Temperature).

1. 7. Determine the formula of compound empiric.

II. Theory

Coefficient in a reaction equation is a comparison where a molecule of a substance reacts with different molecule form an other substance. (1) (Braddy, James E. 1998. Kimia Universitas Asas dan Struktur Edisi Kelima Jilid Satu. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara)

Reaction coefficient determined by calculation or pass by experiment. One of easy way to study the stoikiometri of some reaction is by experiment. The method that used is continous variational method that is conducted in one experiment consecution from a reaction where mole of amount all same reactions, but mole amount each substance reacts different each other or vary.

One of physics characteristic dan chemistry characteristic who can controlled in a chemistry reaction is mass, volume and temperature. Because the amount reacts different change, the three of chemistry characteristic applicable to forecasts the number of reaction coefficient.

Stoikiometri explained the calculation of mole concept. If the mole related with the particle amount:

JP = n x L


JP = particle amount

n = mole

L = number of Avogadro = 6,02 x 1023

If the mole related with the mass:

m = n x Ar/Mr


m = massa (gr)

n = mole

Ar/Mr = atomic mass number / compound mass number

And if the mole related with the volume:

V = n x 22,4 (STP condition)

V = volume (L)

n = mole

And if the condition not STP, T > 00C and P > 1 atm

PV = nRT

P = pressure (atm)

V = volume (L)

n = mole

R = 0,08205

T = temperature (0C) (2) (Tritiyatma & Yusmaniar. 2008. Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Kimia Dasar I. Jakarta: UNJ)

In this experiment, the chemistry characteristic that will be perceived is mass from the product of reaction. And it will use the equation:

n = M x V

With known its substance mole, we can determine the mass of product substance in a chemistry reaction. In other hand, we can determine the number of coefficient reaction and determine the constrictor reaction and mass of product substance.

III. Tools and Materials

3. 1. Tools

3. 1. 1 Chemistry glass 100 mL 5 units

3. 1. 2 Measure glass 50 mL 1 unit

3. 1. 3 Funnel 1 unit

3. 1. 4 Douche bottle 1 unit

3. 1. 5 Churn bar 1 unit

3. 1. 6 Weighing-machine

3. 1. 7 Watch glass 3 units

3. 2. Materials

3. 2. 1 Paper filters 3 sheets

3. 2. 2 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 0,5 M 100 mL

3. 2. 3 Copper (II) sulfate (CuSO4) 0,5 M 100 mL

3. 2. 4 Aquades

IV. Procedure

4. 1. Provide two unit of chemistry glasaes 100 mL, then content with NaOH sollution 10 mL and 20 mL.

4. 2. Take two unit of chemistry glasses 100 mL again, then content each with CuSO4 sollution 40 mL and 30 mL.

4. 3. Pour the CuSO4 sollution slowly into NaOH sollution, until happened the sediment and let a few moments till all sediments down through the base of chemistry glass.

4. 4. Filter the sediment with paper filter that has been known the weight, then clean the sediment with aquades and dry then measure it. And note the weight of sediment produced.

4. 5. Conduct this experiment in accordance with the following tables:


Volume (mL)









4. 6. Make graphic who show the mole of NaOH as the axis of the basic and the weight of sediment as the axis of the ordinate.

4. 7. Crosscut dot of the left line and right line show the comparison of mole NaOH with CuSO4.

V. Experiment Data

5. 1. Mass of sediment





mole NaOH (x 10-3)




mole CuSO4 (x 10-3)




Mass of sediment + paper filter




Mass of paper filter




Mass of sediment (grams)




5. 2. Result of Colour

Experiment to-

Mixture NaOH + CuSO4

Mixture after filtered

Colour of sollution

Colour of sediment

Colour of filtrate

Colour of sediment


light blue


light blue

blue tosca


black and blue

light blue, black


browny green


dark blue

dark blue


black and green

VI. Calculation

6. 1. 1st experiment (10 mL NaOH 0,5 M + 40 mL CuSO4 0,5 M)

2 NaOH (aq) + CuSO4 (aq) à Na2SO4 (aq) + Cu(OH)2 (s)

m 5 20

r 5 2,5 2,5 2,5

s - 17,5 2,5 2,5

à mole Cu(OH)2 sediment = 2,5 mmole = 2,5 x 10-3 mole

à Mr of Cu(OH)2 = 65,3 + 2(16) + 2(1)

= 99,3 grams/mole

So, mass of Cu(OH)2 = n . Mr

= (2,5 x 10-3 mole) (99,3 grams/mole)

= 0,24825 grams of Cu(OH)2 sediment

And the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment from the result of weighing is 0,1800 grams.

% result = actually result x 100%

theoretical result

Then, % sediment result = actually mass x 100%

theoretical mass

= 0,1800 grams x 100%

0,24825 grams

= 0,7250 x 100%

= 72,50 %

6. 2. 2nd experiment (30 mL NaOH 0,5 M + 20 mL CuSO4 0,5 M)

2 NaOH (aq) + CuSO4 (aq) à Na2SO4 (aq) + Cu(OH)2 (s)

m 15 10

r 15 7,5 7,5 7,5

s - 2,5 7,5 7,5

à mole Cu(OH)2 sediment = 7,5 mmole = 7,5 x 10-3 mole

à Mr of Cu(OH)2 = 65,3 + 2(16) + 2(1)

= 99,3 grams/mole

So, mass of Cu(OH)2 = n . Mr

= (7,5 x 10-3 mole) (99,3 grams/mole)

= 0,74475 grams of Cu(OH)2 sediment

And the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment from the result of weighing is 0,6223 grams.

% result = actually result x 100%

theoretical result

Then, % sediment result = actually mass x 100%

theoretical mass

= 0,6223 grams x 100%

0,74475 grams

= 0,8355 x 100%

= 83,55 %

6. 3. 3rd experiment (40 mL NaOH 0,5 M + 10 mL CuSO4 0,5 M)

2 NaOH (aq) + CuSO4 (aq) à Na2SO4 (aq) + Cu(OH)2 (s)

m 20 5

r 10 5 5 5

s 10 - 5 5

à mole Cu(OH)2 sediment = 5 mmole = 5 x 10-3 mole

à Mr of Cu(OH)2 = 65,3 + 2(16) + 2(1)

= 99,3 grams/mole

So, mass of Cu(OH)2 = n . Mr

= (5 x 10-3 mole) (99,3 grams/mole)

= 0,4965 grams of Cu(OH)2 sediment

And the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment from the result of weighing is 0,4439 grams.

% result = actually result x 100%

theoretical result

Then, % sediment result = actually mass x 100%

theoretical mass

= 0,4439 grams x 100%

0,4965 grams

= 0,8940 x 100%

= 89,40 %

VII. Data Analysis

Stoikiometri experiment wich conducted aim to determine the mass of sediment which resulted from the chemical reaction of Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) and Copper (II) Sulfate (CuSO4).

The equational reaction that occur between NaOH and CuSO4 is:

2 NaOH (aq) + CuSO4 (aq) à Na2SO4 (aq) + Cu(OH)2 (s)

Reaction between NaOH solution and CuSO4 solution produced Natrium Sulfate (Na2SO4) solution and Copper (II) Hydroxide (Cu(OH)2) sediment. In this experiment, after the the sediment formed, NaOH solution and CuSO4 solution filtered by paper filter that has been weighed previously. After the sediment and the solution separated, the sediment dried, then weighed to know the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment. But, the mass of sediment by weighed must lessned with the mass of paper filter that we known the mass, then we get the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment.

Sediment is the material that separated as the solid phase that came out from the sollutions. The sediment can be a crystal or colloid, and can produced by the sollutions by filtering or centrifuging. In our experiment that we do, there is stand-out the sediment is Cu(OH)2 sediment, and the Na2SO4 dissolved in the sollutions.

To know the mass of sediment can doing by stoikiometri calculating by constrictor reaction. After we known the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment from the result of weighing (actually) and the mass from calculated (theoretically), we can calculate the percent result (% result) with the formula:

% result = actually result x 100%

theoretical result

On the ather hand, the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment that we get from the weighing and calculating representated by graphic. In this experiment we necessary known that the sediment will weighing has been dry, that the weighing can produced the accurate resulted. But we must make the Cu(OH)2 sediment not to stand still in a long time because it can caused the phase and colour of the substances change caused by oxidize substances.

This stoikiometri experiment proving the theoretical of coefficient reaction and chemical calculating, so we known the constrictor reaction and calculating of mole and the mass of substances from reaction product.

Reaction between CuSO4 solution that has blue coloured with NaOH solution produce the substances that has blue variation coloured. The substances is Cu(OH)2 sediment and Na2SO4 solution that dissolved in the solutions. In this experiment, if the NaOH solution that we used is moreover less, so the product of solution filtrate will moreover transparent. Because NaOH solutions is a base and generally to neutralize the substances that occur wit NaOH solutions.

7. 1. 1st experiment

In this 1st experiment, the chemical reaction occur between 10 mL NaOH 0,5 M and 40 mL CuSO4 0,5 M. After CuSO4 solution mixed with NaOH solution, the colour of solutions changes to light blue and produce the sediment white coloured. Then after the sediment filtered, there is a filtrate of solution transparent light blue coloured and Cu(OH)2 sediment blue tosca coloured.

And after Cu(OH)2 sediment dry above the paper filter, Cu(OH)2 sediment weighing and lessned with the mass of paper filter that has been weighed. In this 1st experiment, paper filter has a mass 1,0569 grams and the Cu(OH)2 sediment that weighed above the paper filter has mass 1,2369 grams. So, the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment that produced from the reactions between NaOH and CuSO4 in this 1st experiment is 0,1800 grams. Eventhough the theoretical mass that we get from the calculating result of the mass Cu(OH)2 sediment is 0,24825.

From the result of mass Cu(OH)2 sediment, there is result difference between the weighing and the calculating. The difference is 0,06825 or by the percent result is 72,50%. It show the mistake that happened when we doing the experiment. The difference mass occur because when we filtering the sediment, it can happened the Cu(OH)2 sediment dissolved in the solutions, so the mass of sediment decrease. And it can occur because when we dry the sediment, the soft sediment brought in the air.

7. 2. nd experiment

In this 2nd experiment, the chemical reaction occur between 30 mL NaOH 0,5 M and 20 mL CuSO­4 0,5 M. Mixture from two solutions produced the solutions blue and black coloured and produced the sediment blue and black coloured. After we filtering, the colour of filtrate solutions changes be transparent. And the sediment that produced is browny green coloured. And the colour of solutions and sediment before we filtering is darkness than occur in 1st experiment. It caused the volume of NaOH that mixed in this reaction more than in this 2nd experiment, there is 30 mL, eventhough in 1st experiment only 10 mL. And the colour of filtrate solutions that produced in this experiment is transparent, it caused NaOH remove the blue coloured of Cu(OH)2 that produced darkness too.

In this experiment, the paper filter that used is 1,0709 grams. Eventhough the mass Cu(SO)4 that filtered above the paper filter 1,6932 grams. So, the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment in this 2nd experiment is 0,6223 grams. Eventhough the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment in this 2nd experiment by calculatedis 0,74475 grams. So the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment is 0,12245 grams. And the percent result in this 2nd experiment is 83,55%. Same as the 1st experiment, the difference between actually mass and theoretical mass caused by the mistake when we filtering and drying the sediment.

7. 3. rd experiment

In this 3rd experiment, trhe chemical reaction occur between 40 mL NaOH 0,5 M and 10 mL CuSO4 0,5 M. Mixture between two solutions is dark blue coloured, and same colour with the sediment that produced. After filtering, filtrate solutions be transparent coloured and the Cu(OH)2 sediment that produced is black and green coloured and darkness than Cu(OH)2 sediment in the 1st and 2nd experiment. It caused the NaOH that mixed more than in the 1st and 2nd experiment, there are 40 mL. It caused the filtrate solutions in this 3rd experiment is transparent than in the 1st and 2nd experiment.

Inthis 3rd experiment, paper filter that used has mass 1,0658 grams. Mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment in this experiment is 0,4439 grams. Eventhough mass of the sediment in theoretical by the calculating is 0,4965 grams. So, the mass of Cu(OH)2 is 0,0526 grams with the percent result is 89,40%. Same with the 1st and 2nd experiment, the difference between actually mass and theoretical mass caused by the mistake in the filtering or drying sediment processes.

From 1st, 2nd, and 3rd experiment, we can get that the 2nd experiment has a mass of sediment is thye biggest than the 1st or 3rd experiment. It caused NaOH that used to constrictor reagens in the 2nd experiment has a biggest total mole and influential in total mole of product that one of them is Cu(OH)2 sediment. Because total mole in proportion to the mass, if the total mole is grown up, so the mass grown up too. It caused the mass Cu(OH)2 sediment in the 2nd experiment is the biggest, then the 3rd experiment and the smallest is the 1st experiment.

VIII. Conclusion

From stoikiometri experiment that we done, it can concluded that:

1. The number of coefficient reaction can determine by stoikiometri experiment.

2. Reaction that occur between NaOH and CuSO4 is:

2 NaOH (aq) + CuSO4 (aq) à Na2SO4 (aq) + Cu(OH)2 (s)

3. Reaction between NaOH and CuSO4 produce the Cu(OH)2 sediment with the variation blue coloured. In the 1st experiment is blue tosca coloured, in the 2nd experiment is browny green coloured and in the 3rd experiment is black and green coloured.

4. The Cu(OH)2 sediment can be define the mass by experiment or calculate.

5. The relation between mole and coefficient reaction used to stoikiometri calculate, for example constrictor reaction.

6. Mass, volume and temperature is a chemical properties that can we see.

7. If the additional NaOH is grown up, it caused the colour of Cu(OH)2 sediment that produced is darkness and the filtrate solutions lightness (transparent).

8. The biggest mass of sediment is in the 2nd experiment, because NaOH as a reagens constrictor has a biggest total mole that cause mole product grown up.

9. Mole (n) proportion to the mass, so the mass of Cu(OH)2 sediment in the 2nd experiment is the biggest.

10. Actually mass (experiment) smallest than calculate mass (theoretical). The difference caused by the mistake:

ü When the filtering processes, the small sediment brought in the filtrate solutions.

ü When the drying processes before weighing, the small sediment that has been dry brought in the air or maybe to undergo oxidize reaction.

Reference Book

Brady, James. E. 1998. Kimia Universitas Asas dan Struktur Edisi Kelima Jilid Satu. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara.

Chang, Raymond. 2004. Kimia Dasar Konsep-Konsep Inti Edisi Ketiga Jilid Satu. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Harborne, J. B. 1987. Metode Fitokimia. Bandung: Penerbit ITB.

Svehla, G. 1985. Vogel Buku Teks Analisis Anorganik Kualitatif Makro dan Semimikro Bagian I Edisi Kelima. Jakarta: PT. Kalman Media Pustaka.

Tritiyatma&Yusmaniar. 2008. Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Kimia Dasar I. Jakarta: UNJ.


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